Home Challenges About Me

Hi, there! This are my solution.

Here you can find the challenges and solutions from Frontend Mentor. If you want to improve your frontend skill check out this platforms.


Here are all the challenges I take part from Frontend Mentor. You can check my solution or you can take the challenge and hone your skills. Have fun building! 🚀

Easybank landing page






This challenge will provide a nice test for your layout skills. If you're ready to move up from Junior challenges, this one is a great next step.
Product preview card component





This challenge will provide a nice test for your layout skills. If you're ready to move up from Junior challenges, this one is a great next step.
Some Info

About Me

I'm Bea Ventura, currently a Bachelor of Science in Information Science Student from the University of San Carlos in the Philippines. I'm currently perfectioning my skills on css and javascript and learning other frameworks. I have been designing website and mobile application for client by using Figma, Adobe XD and InVision when I'm not busy. I am also passionate about coding and solving problems through code, and learn so much more!